Did you know the Postal Service launched USPS ZONE in July of 2021? Coming up on its 3rd anniversary this summer, the program is for Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) postal employees who enjoy promoting the organization’s products and services on social media.

LEAD helps our younger generations with career advancement and promotes organizations such as the UPMA. Please help invite motivated employees to this group for multilevel mentoring. Thank you

Click Here to be taken to California LEAD Facebook Page.

Click Here to be taken to WestPac LEAD Facebook Page.

Postmasters and Installation Heads are the only employees allowed to file for NPA Mitigation. Find out how and when you should file.

President Biden signed the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 (PSRA) into law in April 2022. Since then, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in conjunction with the Postal Service, has been working to implement a new Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program, as required under the new law. PSHB is a unique, separate program within the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program, which OPM will administer. Coverage under the PSHB Program will be effective January 1, 2025.

Attached are fact sheets regarding the PSHB Program for active employees and postal annuitants.

UPMA was instrumental in passing the PRSA and continues to work closely with the Service and OPM in its implementation. I want to personally thank UPMA Retired VP Charley Peters for his hard work on these documents.

“Together We Can”



The National Executive Board has approved offering new EAS members that join a free year of membership, dues withholding will start once they reach their 1-year anniversary with UPMA. Join on-line by clicking “Join Now” below.

Any questions concerning the membership promotion, contact the National Office by email at Information@unitedpma.org or call 703.683.9027.