Suggested for EAS or PCES Employees
If requested, directed, or approached for an interview, the following should be your initial statement:

If this interview is part of an investigation of a criminal matter I request to be represented by an attorney prior to any interview. Until I have my attorney present, I do not agree to sign any document, and will not answer any questions. I also will not make any written or oral statement. I do not consent to any search without a warrant. If you provide me with a search warrant, I will not resist the search while reserving legal objections to it. 

If this interview is not part of any criminal investigation, I request to contact my UPMA representative for advice and to be present with me for the interview. I will appear with my UPMA representative and orally answer questions. I decline to provide any written statement and reserve my legal right refuse to answer any questions that may intend to incriminate me.  

The Adverse Action Legal Defense Plan (AALDP) was established for the membership to provide representation to active UPMA members in appealing adverse actions taken against them. Postmasters and Managers receiving notice of an adverse action (defined in ELM Section 651.71) should immediately contact a UPMA National Adverse Action Member Representative (see a list at The Postmaster or Manager will sign a “Designation-of-Representation and Subscription to Appeal” Form and the “Adverse Action Authorization Form” and transmit them to the UPMA National Adverse Action Committee Member they are working with.