Each year the CA Chapter awards scholarships to eligible college-bound seniors or current college students pursuing undergraduate study and advanced degree study at accredited two and four year institutions. The CA Chapter will award scholarships for the 2024 - 2025 academic years. Applications are now being accepted. Following is the criteria for the CA Chapter Scholarship program:


Scholarships are based on merit. Consideration is given to academic performance and future potential as determined by:

  • Grade point average

  • Participation in academic-related activities to demonstrate critical thinking and applied knowledge (science fairs, math teams, debate tournaments, etc)

  • Work experience, community activities and volunteer work




CA UPMA Scholarship Program
Attn: Katherine Coleman, Secretary
3531 Eel Rock Rd
Myers Flat, CA 95554-9526

The CA chapter will not accept faxed or emailed applications.
The CA chapter will not accept transcripts faxed, emailed or online.  Only official transcripts will be accepted.
Applications may be filled by using the attached MSWord file.

All requested information must accompany the application.  
Any application received that does not have all material requested will not be considered.  Please mail in an 8 x 11 envelope. Do not fold application material.

Scholarships are awarded in lump sum payments to the college of student’s acceptance.
The student must submit a written letter of their progress following the first semesters’ end.


 To apply for this scholarship, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicant must be child, grandchild, nephew, niece or step-child of a dues-paying Postmaster or Retired Postmaster member of the California State Chapter of the United Postmasters & Managers of America (UPMA).

  • Applicant must be either a graduating high school senior, high school graduate not currently enrolled in college, college undergraduate student or graduate student (post-baccalaureate) in an accredited college.

  • Winners will be announced at the annual California UPMA State Convention.  By signing the application, the applicant gives UPMA Chapter permission to announce the award to news media and the public at large.