2024 California Convention Weekend 🌴☀️🎢

2024 California Convention Weekend 🌴☀️🎢

Gus Henggeler, VP Southern California


My Fed Benefits Representatives

WestPac UPMA Conventions - Another great one this weekend!

Arizona UPMA Chapter
We had 4 California Chapter members there.

Thank you for your hospitality!

Congratulations to Kim Guastavino.

Let’s get more of these California!

2024 UPMA Legislative Summit

Why attend? When do you get an opportunity to network, visit your Congressional leaders, voice your concerns, learn more about the history of the US, visit free museums, and speak with USPS Executives?

This by far was the best year I have experienced in attending the UPMA Legislative Summit.

California UPMA Active/ Retired … Get on board! Make your voice heard.

California has more Congressional Districts than any other State in the US. Our Congressional leaders need to hear from You.

Strength in Numbers for California!

Western Pacific Area VP, Ed Ruiz with Jackie Deter Western Pacific Area Coordinator.

California 4 Career Conference: Gus and Jackie signed up new UPMA members. Pictured above is Gus with SCS, Jessica Joyce.

California 4 new members-(left) SCS Shaddai Millow and (right) SCS Jessica Burch.

Gus and new member, Melanie Gallegos at California 4 Career Conference.

California UPMA, prior to our 2025 presentation on a UPMA National Convention in our very own Long Beach, California!! #LB2025

Also pictured, the city of LB Visitors Bureau.

This was our video played at the 2023 UPMA National Convention in Denver, Co. We submitted a proposal for a 2025 National convention in Long Beach, CA.

Special Thank You to the City of LB for putting this together!

We had an Awesome Presentation .. with your Help!

Unfortunately, Dallas, TX won.

The California 6 (San Diego) Career Conference .. Awesome turnout!

The California 3 Career Conference .. What a Great Experience for All!

2024 California Elected Executive Board being sworn in by UPMA NATIONAL PRESIDENT, Edmund Carley at the California Convention.

Area 1- Kim Guastavino (re-elected)

Area 2 - (Missing) James Tatum

Area 3- Gus Henggeler (re-elected)

Exec VP- Angelita Daniels

President-Tania Cason (re-elected)

Jim Maher and Jackie Deter at California State Convention

Rosa Gonzales, Greg Nors, Patricia Bennett and Layton Hansen at California State Convention.

California Retirees with President, Tania Cason
on Horn Blower cruise.

California Retirees just wanna have fun!

California New 2024 Retiree Board being sworn in by

National UPMA President, Edmund Carley, California State President, Tania Cason and Padric Fisher at California State Convention.

Darrin (Postmaster Truckee) and Rachel Freeman
on Horn Blower Cruise at California Convention.

Concord, California … We are Here! 22 new members in the 1st hour!

UPMA California (missing a few)
is in Washington DC.

UPMA 2023 Legislative Summit Conference


Hey, Retirees! These UMPA Members are working for you. If you are affected by WEP/GPO, support HR82 and S597, Social Security Fairness Act, by contacting your Representatives to be a co-sponsor. It’s your money! I just got mine to be a co-sponsor. - Tania Cason


Great meeting today with our new Congressman, Mike Thompson. - Chris Casey

California Chaplin, Clarice Golden being recognized as one of the founders of California Legislative Postal Coalition.

California Legislative Chair, Lynda La Force addressing members of California Postal Coalition in Sacramento.

24th annual California Postal Legislative Coalition Event (Sacramento, Ca) 2.5.23

“The California Postal Legislative Coalition” is comprised of Union and Management organization leadership representing California Postal employees and Postal/Federal Retirees.

(Founder-California UPMA Chaplain, Clarice Golden)

California attendees:

Denver, CO

Oakland/Bay Valley retirees enjoying lunch. (Wednesday, January 11, 2023)

“…Thank you again for allowing me to promote how “holiday ready” you and your team at the Bellflower Post Office are this holiday season. The office was pristine and the energy was great!

You and your staff made the magic happen as my first office promotion of this season and you did great! Below is the ABC7 clip of the office; you nailed the information and your SSA was a pleasure in the office and a pleasure to watch as she engage the customer….”

Thank you again.

Natashi Garvins
USPS Strategic Communications
Media Relations - WestPac

California UPMA Leadership

-Honorable Postmaster of Tustin, Jackie Deter

-Transportation Manager, Cindy Dunn


Congratulations to the Honorable Postmaster of Long Beach Jeremie Six, on his Executive Detail Assignment.

Please Join me in Congratulating Jeremie.

California UPMA Fall Board Meeting. Planning session for 2023 State Convention in Berkeley.
Plan on being there April 28-30, 2023.

SoCaL Career Conference -10/16

Over 800 plus dedicated their Sunday to attend. San Diego (CaL 6) was well represented.
This was definitely a very successful and enjoyable career conference for anyone to attend.

California retirees, Terry Jackson and DeeDee Pendergraft in Pigeon Forge TN enjoying time with other UPMA retirees.


Oakland/Bay Valley retirees enjoying lunch.

Honorable Postmaster of Tustin Ca and California VP (Area 3), Jackie Deter on her swearing in as WestPac Area Coordinator today!

2022 UPMA National Convention

California Convention:

California North VP, Kim Guastavino
California President, Tania Cason
California 1 DM, Raj Sanghera
California Executive VP, Michelle Tucker
California Member-Honorable Postmaster, Scott Bosshard of Rohnert Park

It was great to have you at our convention !!! Learned a few things appreciate it.
— Kim Guastavino

Another great time at California Convention with these ladies! (Facebook, Chris Casey)

...what a well planned out convention with engaging speakers. I learned so much and enjoyed everyone there. Thank you for being so welcoming!
— Capriece Perrin Paschall

California Convention: Recap from our Recruitment/Membership Presentation —Let’s Go California!!

Thank you so much for your hospitality this weekend. Capriece Perrin Paschall and I really had a great time. It always feels like coming home. Great job to everyone that put in the hard work to put it together and kept it on track. Great speakers. Great dialog. Great networking. The future is bright. Special shout out to Michelle Tucker for being the Hostess with the Mostest. Don’t forget the WOC in September. We need your energy there.
— Padric Fisher

Jackie Deter, Western-Pacific Area Postal Coordinator,
Eduardo Ruiz, Western-Pacific Vice President,
Tania Cason, California State UPMA President
at UPMA California State Convention

“1st ever UPMA National Membership Academy”

Over 48 states were represented this weekend in St Louis to show their commitment with growing our organization!


Happy Holidays from: Los Angeles District (MPOO B )

Congratulations, to The Honorable Postmaster, Noel Hodges on your appointment as 14th Postmaster of Pasadena, Ca. —What a Dynamic Ceremony!

2021 Fall Board Meeting at the Oxford Suites in Sonoma County


Chapter Member Representative Training
in Omaha, Nebraska (Oct 23,2021)


2021 Legislative Summit

Congressman Andy Levin (D) MI


Congressman Anthony Brown (D) MD

Congresswoman Carolyn Mahoney (D) NY

2021 Legislative Summit

Congressman Garrett Graves (D) LA